HyperDrive Works

What is the Hyper Test?

The Hyper Test is a simple experiment conducted over and over again before many witnesses that proves that a given amount of thrust, with some margin of error, is being generated by the HyperDrive propulsion system.

The intention of the Hyper Test is to bring attention to this new technology and introduce the world to the potentials of this fascinating new science and propulsion system.

How does it work?

The test is conducted with a prototype of the HyperDrive motor at the manufacturing facility in Hermosillo, Sonora Mexico and following a strict testing protocol.

In summary, a person is invited to visit the testing facility and to become a tester and witness. The tester may bring their own scale if they wish. The test is carried out on a test stand. The tester first inspects the apparatus. The test apparatus is simple and utilizes a balance beam system to measure thrust with a high degree of accuracy. The tester's scale is then installed into the apparatus and a test fire of the HyperDrive motor is made. The tester then verifies the thrust output of the motor on their own scale.

If you would like to find out more information or to participate in a test yourself, please contact us.

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