HyperDrive Works

Hyper Test Protocol: The Rationale and Procedure

The Hyper Test protocol is designed to demonstrate the thrust potentials of a given motor and have this thrust verified by numerous individuals. Thus, the artificial generation of gravimetric force becomes an accepted principle within the world of physics.

These demonstrations must be simple and easy to understand; they must be credible; they must provide a measurement of thrust of the device in question; and they must be consistent in their delivery.

Easy to Understand

After a very careful analysis of the problem of measuring thrust while providing for independence and flexibility in the test instrument it was determined that a sure and accurate manner to demonstrate thrust in this test case was to use a counterweight balance beam apparatus. See diagram below. This design has been used to test ionic propulsion systems for NASA suppliers, and, therefore is considered to be of sufficient reliability and accuracy.

Balance Beam Testing Apparatus

Credible Test

In order for the test to be credible the witness should have some level of qualification to verify basic physical measurements of distances, values and operations. The above testing apparatus will be upgraded to allow for the universal insertion of any scale. The tester will be encouraged to bring their own scale. By bringing independence to the measuring unit for the thrust, a diversity of measuring devices is introduced.

Measure Thrust

The guest scale will be inserted into the universal testing apparatus and used to determine thrust during a live test of the gravimetric propulsion motor.

Consistent Tests

In order for test results to be comparable a consistent procedure must be followed for every test, and every test must be dutifully recorded and presented.

Testing Procedure

1: Introduce witness and their scale, record on video.
2: Introduce the test apparatus to the witness and allow them to inspect.
3: Verify Distances in balance beam arms. Use a stick of set length.
4: Install HyperDrive into apparatus and have witness verify neutral buoyancy of HyperDrive against counterweight.
5: Install the scale into the testing apparatus.
6: Level the seesaw and adjust leg to just meet the scale.
7: Verify scale is resting at zero.
8: Fire the HyperDrive
9: Witness views the scale and states highest consistent value that they see on the scale. Video record the test.
10: Ask witness if they have any questions and try and answer them.
11: If guest scale can fit the test unit, conduct an auxiliary test by placing the HyperDrive directly on the scale and test fire again, subtracting the weight of the HyperDrive.
11: Disassemble and show internal working parts of HyperDrive for scientifically curious testers (requires tester signing NDA)

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